Unity in diversity-
India is a country comprising people from 28 states, each with their own “mother-tongue” or regional language. It has 18 official languages each with at least 5 different dialects. India is also home to people of many different religions and faiths. To add to this is the Hindu caste system, which divides society into 4 different working classes.
Through all this, India’s motto over the years has been “unity in diversity”, an idea easier established on paper than in reality. The only resources India has for unifying her people are 1) to show them that they’re all part of a country and come under the single banner of India and 2) preaching tolerance.
Of the two methods mentioned above, the latter may help to preserve unity in the long run much better than the former and, in truth, the people of India practice it themselves.
Communal riots, rallies etc that have hazarded the unity of the country in the past (and will continue to do so in the future) have, most of the time, been initiated by political leaders who tried to use the difference in castes, religions etc as a “cause” to stand up for and by which to win an election. The common man hardly ever notices these differences or brings them to the forefront through riots.There have been uprisings in the past where the general public has risen for or against a cause that they stand by but in a country with as much diversity as India, occasional outbursts are unavoidable.
Overall, India is capable of putting to practice its motto of “unity in diversity”, not because of politicians but because the people in India have been conditioned to tolerate nearly anything from half-built roads, to a lack of sanitation in the streets. In actuality, it is the lack of proper administration in the country that takes priority with the Indian people. It creates so many problems in the common man’s everyday life that he seldom has the time or energy to crusade for religious or other causes, his energy being expended in numerous ways from attempting to get a ration card to begging the authorities to fix a damaged road in front of his house. In this, all Indians are united and it is this which has made unity in India’s diversity a plausible idea.
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